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List of Institutions in this country

  • Akademia Ushtarake 'Spiro Moisiu' (Military Academy 'Spiro Moisiu')
  • Qëndra e Studimeve Albanologjike (Center of Albanian Studies)
  • Universiteti 'Aleksandër Moisiu' Durrës (University 'Aleksander Moisiu' Durres)
  • Universiteti 'Aleksandër Xhuvani' Elbasan (University 'Aleksander Xhuvani' Elbasan)
  • Universiteti 'Eqerem Çabej' Gjirokastër (University 'Eqrem Cabej' Gjirokaster)
  • Institutit të Lartë Pedagogjik (Higher Institute of Pedagogy) 1971 - 1991
  • Universiteti 'Fan S. Noli' Korçë (University 'Fan S. Noli' Korçe)
  • Institutit të Lartë Bujqësor të Korçës (High Agricultural Institute of Korça) 1971 - 1992
  • Universiteti 'Ismail Qemali' Vlorë (University 'Ismail Qemali' Vlore)
  • Universiteti Teknologjik Ismail Qemali i Vlore (Technological University 'Ismail Qemali')
  • Universiteti 'Luigj Gurakuqi' Shkodër (University 'Luigj Gurakuqi' Shkoder)
  • Instituti i Lartë Pedagogjik i Shkodrës 'Luigj Gurakuqi' (The High Pedagogical Institute of Shkodra 'Luigj Gurakuqi') until 1991
  • Universiteti i Sporteve të Tiranës (Tirana University of Sports "Vojo Kushi")
  • Akademia e Edukimit Fizik dhe Sporteve 'Vojo Kushi' (Academy of Physical Education and Sports 'Vojo Kushi') 2000 - 2010
  • Universiteti i Tiranës (University of Tirana)
  • Universiteti i Tiranës "Enver Hoxha" (Enver Hoxha University of Tirana) 1985 - 1992
  • Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës (Polytechnic University of Tirana)

No, my institution or qualification is not listed

In order to be considered for credit transfer both your previous institution and the qualification that you studied towards need to appear in the lists above. Unfortunately if either does not appear then we will not be able to consider your previous study for an award of credit transfer.

Contact us

If you have any queries about applying for credit transfer please feel free to contact us using the link below.

Please try to include:

  • which qualification you completed
  • the organisation you completed it through
  • when you completed it
  • which OU qualification you would like to transfer to

Contact us about credit transfer.

If you have general questions about the University feel free to contact us.

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