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Certificate in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL)

Only valid for qualifications awarded between 2009 and 2010

    Completed qualification

  • You may be eligible for 10 credits at OU level 1

You will need at least 30 credits of study before you can be awarded credit transfer. Modules at the OU are usually either 30 or 60 credits so you need a minimum of 30 credits to use credit transfer in an OU qualification. If you have more than one period of study we can add the credits from each period to reach the minimum of 30 credits.

Evidence you will need to provide

To confirm the exact amount of credit you can use you must make a formal application for credit transfer.  For more details on how credit from this previous study can be used in OU qualifications please see OU qualification.

With your application you should provide your original certificate (if the qualification was completed) together with a transcript of academic record, or equivalent, which should list all the subjects you successfully completed together with the marks or grades you achieved. Depending on the OU qualification that you wish to transfer your credit towards you may also need to provide syllabus information. When do I need to provide syllabus information?

Contact us

If you have any queries about applying for credit transfer please feel free to contact us using the link below.

Please try to include:

  • which qualification you completed
  • the organisation you completed it through
  • when you completed it
  • which OU qualification you would like to transfer to

Contact us about credit transfer.

If you have general questions about the University feel free to contact us.

More information about The Open University.