List of Institutions in this country
- "The Gate of the Teaching" Buddhist College
- Adventist Theological College
- Altalános Vállalkozási Föiskola (AVKF) (Budapest College of Mangament)
- Andrássy University Budapest
- Apor Vilmos Catholic College
- Archiepiscopal Theological College of Veszprém
- Baptist Theological Academy
- Berzsenyi Dániel College
- Bhaktivedanta Hittudományi Föiskola (BHF) (Bhaktivedanta Theological College)
- Budapest College for Economics
- Budapest College of Communication
- Budapest Technical College
- Budapest University of Economics and State Administration
- Budapest University of Technical and Economic Sciences
- Budapesti Gazdasági Föiskola (BGF) (Budapest Business School)
- Budapesti Kortárstánc Föiskola (Budapest College of Contemporary Dance)
- Budapesti Müszaki Föiskola (BMF) (Budapest Polytechnic)
- College of Dunaújváros
- College of Kecskemét
- College of Modern Business Sciences
- College of Nyíregyháza
- College of Szolnok
- Corvinus University of Budapest
- Debrecen Theological University of the Reformed Church
- Eötvös József College
- Eötvös Loránd University of Arts and Sciences
- Episcopal Theological College of Pécs
- Eszterházy Károly College
- Gábor Dénes College
- General Entrepreneurial College
- Harsányi János Föiskola (HJF) (Harsányi János College)
- Heller Farkas College of Economic and Touristic Services
- Hungarian College of Dance Art
- Hungarian University of Applied Arts
- Hungarian University of Fine Arts
- International Business School
- Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church
- Kodolányi János College
- Kölcsey Ferenc Four-Grade Primary School Teacher Training College of the Reformed Church
- Kozep-europai Egyetem (Central European University) (from 2005)
- Liszt Ferenc University of Music
- Magyar Iparmüvészeti Egyetem (MIE) (Hungarian University of Fine Arts)
- Magyar Táncmüvészeti Föiskola (MTF) (Hungarian Dance Academy)
- National Rabbinical Training Institute - Jewish University
- Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem (NYME) (University of West Hungary)
- Pápa Theological Academy of the Reformed Church
- Pázmány Péter Catholic University
- Pécs University of Arts and Sciences
- Pécsi Püspöki Hittudományi Föiskola (PHF) (Episcopal Theological College of Pécs)
- Pécsi Tudományegyetem (PTE) (University of Pécs)
- Pentecostal Theological College
- Peto András Teacher Training and Training Institute of the Motor Disabled
- Police Officer Training College
- Sapientia Monastic Theological College
- Sárospatak Theological Academy of the Reformed Church
- Semmelweis University
- Sola Scriptura Ministers Training and Theological College
- Széchenyi István University
- Szeged University of Arts and Sciences
- Szegedi Tudományegyetem (SZTE) (University of Szeged)
- Szent Atanáz Greek-Catholic Theological College
- Szent Bernát Theological College
- Szent István University
- Szent Pál Academy
- Tessedik Sámuel College
- Theological College of Eger
- Theological College of Esztergom
- Theological College of Gyor
- Theological College of Szeged
- Theological University of the Evangelical Church
- Tomori Pál Föiskola (TPFK) (Tomori Pál College)
- University of Debrecen
- University of Dramatic and Cinematic Art
- University of Kaposvár
- University of Miskolc
- University of Szeged
- University of Veszprém
- Veszprémi érseki Hittudományi Föiskola (VHF) (Archiepiscopal Theological College of Veszprém)
- Vitéz János Roman Catholic Four-Grade Primary School Teacher Training College
- Wesley János Ministers Training College
- West Hungarian University
- Zrínyi Miklós University of National Defence
- Zsigmond Király College
No, my institution or qualification is not listed
In order to be considered for credit transfer both your previous institution and the qualification that you studied towards need to appear in the lists above. Unfortunately if either does not appear then we will not be able to consider your previous study for an award of credit transfer.